New York Cancer & Blood Specialists Joins the Medical Society of the State of New York

New York Cancer & Blood Specialists (NYCBS), one of the Nation’s leading oncology practices, is pleased to announce its membership with the Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY). 

“NYCBS is thrilled to be a member of the MSSNY,” said David Eagle, MD, Chair of Legislative Affairs and Patient Advocacy of NYCBS. “We look forward to engaging with legislators on state-level health care issues that will enhance the delivery of quality medical care.”

MSSNY’s leadership and its Division of Governmental Affairs monitor hundreds of state and federal legislative and regulatory proposals affecting health and healthcare each year, submit written positions and testimony at hearings, and conduct regular meetings with legislators, regulators, and staff. Today's major areas of involvement include physician collective negotiation, reducing prior authorization hassles and other insurance reforms, medical liability reform, and improving care quality.

"This group membership represents the commitment of the physicians and leadership of NYCBS to the advocacy for and protection of physician-led quality patient care, strengthening and empowerment of the practice of medicine, and advancement of our profession through the development of leaders of great vision and compassion," explained SCMS President, Maria Basile of East Setauket, who also serves as Vice-speaker for the Medical Society of the State of New York.

MSSNY supports efforts to reduce health insurer-imposed obstacles to help patients receive timely, quality care. Legislation is needed to allow independently practicing physicians to collectively negotiate contract terms and administrative processes such as prior authorizations with insurance companies and care payments in instances where a payer’s market share is overly dominant. 

“We are excited about the MSSNY initiative to streamline prior authorizations, said Jeff Vacirca, MD, CEO. ”This would allow us to focus on caring for our patients and push back against policies that unfairly delay patient access to care.” 



About New York Cancer & Blood Specialists

New York Cancer & Blood Specialists is committed to our patients. We are dedicated to providing each patient with a unique path to treatment and unmatched support. We strive to make quality comprehensive cancer care available to each and every patient throughout New York.


Founded in 1807, the Medical Society of the State of New York is the state’s principal non-profit professional organization for physicians, residents and medical students of all specialties. Its mission is to represent the interests of patients and physicians to assure quality healthcare services for all.


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