Happy New Year

Affirmations have the power to motivate you to act on certain things, help you to concentrate on achieving your goals in life, give you the power to change your negative thinking patterns and replace them with positive thinking patterns, assist you in accessing a new belief system, but above all, affirmations can reaffirm the positivity back into your life and help regain or increase your self-confidence.


Enjoy our NYCBS Nutrition Team 2023 Affirmations!


1. I will meditate for 5-10 minutes. 
2. I will do 15 minutes of abdominal core exercises..
3. I will keep a journal on things I'm grateful for. 
4. I will add resistance exercise (e.g., dumbbells) 2-3x/week. 
5. I will try a new recipe each week.
6. I will focus on something I am grateful for each day.
7. One day a week I will have a vegan meal.
8. I will have a meal that includes whole grains.
9. I will drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.
10. I will move my body daily.
11. I will eat with intention
12. I will eat foods that fuel my body.
13. I will be open to trying new flavors and textures.
14. I will cook homemade dinners at least 4 nights per week.
15. I will bring my lunch from home at least 3 days a week. 
16. I will get adequate rest (at least 7 hours of sleep/night).
17. I will limit red and processed meat intake.
18. I will include a fruit or a vegetable most of the times when I eat a meal or snack.
19. I will spend more time with my family.
20. I will walk every morning for 20 minutes.
21. I will unplug at least 30 minutes before going to sleep.
22. I will spend 2 hours shopping and meal prepping over the weekend.
23. I will eat a balanced breakfast most mornings. 
24. I will try a new sport or exercise activity. 
25. I will set social media and screen time boundaries. 
26. I will consume fatty fish twice a week. 
27. I will take walking breaks throughout the day. 
28. I will spend more time outside or in nature. 
29. I will cut back on alcohol. 
30. I will add more color to my meals.
31. I will engage in more positive self talk.
32. I will strive to achieve or maintain consistent meal patterns.
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